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2013 Quoted

 ‘The sheer size of the contract and the audacity of Zesco to sign an agreement with a company whose record is well known by the Ant-Corrption Commission (ACC) is shocking to the nation. We are deeply disappointed and appalled that a company that was debarred by the Word Bank for impropriety is back and Zesco is having fanfare signing contracts without seeing anything wrong in entering into a contract with the company.

it will be interesting to know the position of government and the ACC over this Zesco fiasco. We challenge the government to investigate how a company that was blacklisted can now be doing business without new information about their new conduct. It is absolutely necessary that a procurement audit of this particular contract  is conducted by government, with the involvement of all necessary law enforcement agencies, especially the Anti-Corruption Commission.’

Lee Habasonda
Transparency International  Zambia - president

Habasonda said the behavior of Zesco does not help the image of the country in terms of making Zambia’s stand on corruption to outsiders clear.
The Post | Feb 11, 2013
  ‘We support government’s move to reject Zesco’s application to increase electricity tariffs. The current arrangement allows consumers to pay for the inefficient services by the power utility company. This is what we have been advocating as a union; to see Zesco improving on its service delivery. Those clients that are not connected despite having paid connection fees should be supplied with electricity.’

Leonard Hikaumba
Zambia Congress of Trade Union - president

Hikaumba commenting on government’s rejection of proposed Zesco’s tariff hike.
Zambia Daily Mail | Jan 10, 2013
 ‘Telling lies has become normal and this is frightening. It is a shame on our nation we should be working at changing our attitudes. We are losing our morals sense of value as Zambians,’

Reverend Suzanna Matale
General Secretary – Council of Churches in Zambia

Saying that it is a shame that telling lies had become normal. She said it was also frightening that people that have been elected to leadership position were not accountable to anyone but themselves.
The Post I April 4
 ‘It is not easy to lie to somebody who knows you as a liar; and in this case, we know our opposition leaders as  [being] insincere and dishonest. That is why they cant tell us any more lies and the only way to air their deceptions is by using the BBC,’

Fr Mambwe Mpasa
Catholic church vicar general

Commenting on Hakainde Hichilema’s need to apologize for changing opinions on Rupiah Banda.
The Post I April 10
  ‘For me I only say it is bad timing on the part of government. This will have a great impact on our rural farmers because they will have difficulties in transporting their farming produce to the markets. It would have been better if this was done earlier, at least by now people would have adjusted. As it is now it will be difficult for people to make adjustments.’  

Chief Madzimawe
Commenting on the removal of maize and fuel subsidies
Daily Mail I May 18 2013
  ‘There is enough evidence to show that the subsidies have largely benefited richer farmers and middlemen such as a few millers and transport companies, hence the need to eliminate them... what  we need to be  careful about is that those  who are already poor do not suffer more while these changes are taking place. The removal of the fuel subsidy has  already  led to an increase in transport costs and prices of some goods that are used by all.’  

Kundhavi Kadiresan
World Bank country manager
Commenting on the removal of maize and fuel subsidies
Daily Mail I May 22 2013

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